Study Tips for Art History Exams

STEADY DAILY PREPARATION:     Nothing compares to this. Set aside one hour a day for Art History study with one day off. Read the book. Take more time to look at the illustrations than reading the text. Then read the text Go back to the illustrations and understandthe points of the text in visual form.…

7 Pro Study Tips That Will Make You Feel Like a Genius

These research-backed tips can help you learn more, faster, and with less effort. By Jessica Stillman Contributor, Link to article Smart isn’t just something you are. It’s something you do. A boatload of science shows that, when it comes to how fast we learn, context and strategy are nearly as important as sheer mental horsepower. Or as Mikey…

The Logic of Art History Study

Blog post by Dr. Melody Davis The Logic of Art History Study   I remember my first art history class.  Somewhere between awe and panic for the process, I decided that I had better be very studious, very organized, and develop a method—or drown.  Dr. Kirk Varnedoe was kindly, brilliant, strict, and his expectations, well,…

Why Do Art Historians Make Us Memorize?

1. They are great big meanies. 2. They never found out about the internet. 3. They actually think we’ll remember this ****. 4. Somebody did it to them. One of the hardest things that art history students struggle with is the requirement to commit works of art to memory. Say “memorize” and images of archaic…